About Me

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I am Luke Goddard, the son of Bruce and Kathy Goddard. My father is in the funeral home business and has published a book, entitled "View From a Hearse: Lighten Up." You can read him at www.viewfromahearse.blogspot.com. With this site, I plan on enjoying my passion one blog at a time. Ever since I was a child, I've been obsessed with the Atlanta Braves. As a kid, I would put on shows for my parents and their friends by impersonating each of the Braves' batting stance with a broom stick. My parents seemed to enjoy it. Plus, it was a way for me to get inside the mind of a Brave and be them for a moment. Now, as I've grown older, I still find myself totally absorbed in the game, especially the Braves ball club. I even find myself at times impersonating their stances with a broom stick as I watch their games. Call me a Braves nut... that's fine. It's an honor. I hope you enjoy the stories you read here. Go Braves.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Florida Coast Update #2

[Daytona Beach, Florida]

Destination: Daytona Beach, Florida.
Arrival Time: 11:32pm

We just checked into our hotel-- the Plaza Ocean Club. We're sitting comfortably with an ocean front view.

When we arrived, we had a time finding the main strip. And when we did find it, our journey began. We probably checked out 8-10 hotels. We went into the main lobby of each hotel and asked for a room key to check it out before we committed to a price. Not a bad idea for two young, inexperienced college students. This precautionary approach proved to be beneficial as we discovered that several cheap hotels were cheap for a reason.

I'm not gonna go through all of the hotels, but one in particular is worth mentioning. If you're planning on visiting Daytona Beach, DO NOT stay in the Seaside Hotel. Absolutely horrible. First of all, there are a load of college students on a break who are all hammered-drunk. And very loud. Each of the million students felt the need to yell at us because we pulled up in Cole's flashy 2007 comvertible car. We then asked the very homosexual hotel attendee for a key to check the room out. I'm not bashing homosexuals, but this guy had the nerve to hit on two "taken," straight males. We walk in the room and at first glance, we see two roaches run down the wall. Actually, one flew from the ceiling and landed on the lamp shade. Cole made the joke that it could be one of our dead relatives making sure we arrived safely. I didn't laugh. After noticing that the AC didn't work, we left.

So, here we are. Tonight, we plan to kick it back and watch the end of the Hornets/Spurs game. Tomorrow, we will check the beach out.

Check back with us.

Oh yeah, I'll end with this:

The Braves won today 5-4. It was a pretty impressive win considering our starter was taken out of the game in the 3rd inning with a blistered index finger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happened to the tent? I have been bragging about your camping out all the way to Miami.
Uncle R