This eventful weekend is quickly coming to a close.
Let me first say, Cole and I have certainly entertained the locals. For some reason, we get this energy at night to go out to some of the local restaurants to just strike up conversations with the friendly Daytona retirees. Actually, they may still be working. They just look retired. You know what I mean? Okay... allow me to let you in on this very hilarious situation that we found ourselves in last night.
There's a famous place called the Village about five blocks down from our hotel. The Village is known for its variety of food choices ranging from Starbucks to 40 dollar-a-meal-type restaurants. Out of plain stupidity, we ate like we were millonaires. Oh yeah, this restaurant is the type that have old men in the bathroom to wash your hands. I'm not sure I've ever experienced this kind of bathroom luxury. Maybe I have. If so, I sure don't remember. After I "did my business," the old man told me to hold out my hand. For a minute there, I thought he was going to give me a high five and congratulate me for my success in ringing the toilet. Instead, he squirts this nice smelling soap in my hand. After rinsing off my hands, I noticed a tip jar that looked close to empty. I mean, he had a few dollars in there. Actually, now that I think about it, he had more than we did. Again, out of stupidity, I casually throw a 10 dollar bill in the jar like an idiot. The man grinned and I noticed his 4 remaining teeth in his mouth. When I saw that, I felt very good about throwing in the ten. As soon as the bathroom door shut, things got interesting. Even more interesting than a random dude in the bathroom aquirting soap in other dude's hands.
The restaurant was very ritzy, but still maintained that neighborhood grill type of atmosphere. I'm not sure I've ever eaten at a restaurant that was able to make me feel special (and rich) and like another Joe Blow at the same time. It was a nice balance.
So, I walk out the bathroom and notice Cole sitting in a booth right next to the bar. The place was so packed, the seat was our only choice. And plus, a plasma sat very convienantly in front of us. If I remember correctly, the Lakers and the Jazz were going at it.
Before we had a chance to sneeze, an older couple around the age of 65-70 sat at the bar beside us. As most Georgia boys do, we politely greet them with a smile and say, "have a seat." I'm sure not all Georgia boys do that, but we were feeling extra chipper at the moment. The couple looked at us puzzled probably wondering whether or not we worked there. After realizing that they had Ohio shirts on, we asked where they are from. Of course, he says, "Ohio- home of the Buckeyes!"
Okay, let's jump ahead here. About 2 hours have gone by at this point. They now know both of our life stories and we know theirs. I think Cole might have been in the bathroom when the old man asked me if I wanted a drink. I politely told him that I don't drink alcohol, but that I really appreciate the offer. Not too much time had passed before Cole made it back to the table. For some reason, I could just sense this overly-generous young man about to make an offer to Cole. And within ten minutes, he motions the bartender over and says, "do me a favor and get this young man a Bud Light."
As soon as this happened, I started giggling. Cole didn't think it was too funny because he wasn't sure how to handle the situation without being rude. Of course, Cole took the beer and as soon as the man turned his head, Cole gulps his sweet tea down as fast as a horse. Now at this point, I'm completely lost.
This fast-thinking Cole sat his empty glass of tea between his legs and poored the beer in it. Now with a glass full of beer, he hides it at his feet below the table. Then, he slams the bottle down and says, "Whew! Man, that was awesome." The old man smiled and said in a very sharp, yankee voice, "Nice tasting brew, huh?"
Funny stuff.
We're hittin' the road in the morning. We have to be out by 11am. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I gotta be there for that!
Tomorrow, I will be back to writing about the Braves. I see they lost tonight 5-2. Can anyone tell me why they can't win on the road? If you have any ideas, shoot them to me.
Glad you had a good time.....a safe time.
You make a mama proud.
the lakers are playing the Jazz & the cavs are playing the celtics, so was it a split screan? lol.
cant believe the soft ball team dominated thursday! pretty impressive.
Good point, Cory. I fixed it. Thanks.
You playing in the game tonight?
Hey, Luke we're leaving for Ormond Beach tonight. SOunds like you guys had fun. Talk to you soon.
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