About Me

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I am Luke Goddard, the son of Bruce and Kathy Goddard. My father is in the funeral home business and has published a book, entitled "View From a Hearse: Lighten Up." You can read him at www.viewfromahearse.blogspot.com. With this site, I plan on enjoying my passion one blog at a time. Ever since I was a child, I've been obsessed with the Atlanta Braves. As a kid, I would put on shows for my parents and their friends by impersonating each of the Braves' batting stance with a broom stick. My parents seemed to enjoy it. Plus, it was a way for me to get inside the mind of a Brave and be them for a moment. Now, as I've grown older, I still find myself totally absorbed in the game, especially the Braves ball club. I even find myself at times impersonating their stances with a broom stick as I watch their games. Call me a Braves nut... that's fine. It's an honor. I hope you enjoy the stories you read here. Go Braves.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Florida Coast: Here We Come!

Well folks, we should have a few interesting days together ahead.

My friend Cole and I will be traveling down the coast of Florida starting tomorrow morning. We will be coming back to Georgia around Sunday night. We really have no particular place to visit on the agenda. We just plan to deal with whatever comes our way a day at a time.

With Cole beginning law school in the fall and summer classes starting May 27 for me, we've both decided to take a "little" road trip. We're not sure how far along we will get, but Miami is our ultimate goal. We're taking a tent, in which we plan to sleep in on our journey. We've discovered that there are several state parks along the way for us to set up camp.

I plan on keeping you posted on our trip. We plan to fully document the trip with my high definition camcorder. We plan to stop at a few wi-fi places (starbucks?) to charge the camera and write blogs. Don't worry, the blogs will be somewhat centered around Atlanta Braves news. I will also make sure to post some pictures of some of our interesting encounters. There are several nudist colonies in the Miami area. However, I can't seem to talk Cole into riding the waves in the nude. Okay, just kidding.

The trip will be interesting for sure. Be sure to keep checking back with me here. You will be entertained. That's a promise.

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