About Me

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I am Luke Goddard, the son of Bruce and Kathy Goddard. My father is in the funeral home business and has published a book, entitled "View From a Hearse: Lighten Up." You can read him at www.viewfromahearse.blogspot.com. With this site, I plan on enjoying my passion one blog at a time. Ever since I was a child, I've been obsessed with the Atlanta Braves. As a kid, I would put on shows for my parents and their friends by impersonating each of the Braves' batting stance with a broom stick. My parents seemed to enjoy it. Plus, it was a way for me to get inside the mind of a Brave and be them for a moment. Now, as I've grown older, I still find myself totally absorbed in the game, especially the Braves ball club. I even find myself at times impersonating their stances with a broom stick as I watch their games. Call me a Braves nut... that's fine. It's an honor. I hope you enjoy the stories you read here. Go Braves.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

No Run Support for Jo Jo

Jo Jo Reyes demonstrates pure brilliance against the Brewers on Wednesday night, May 28, 2008. He proves to Cox that he deserves to be in the Bigs. He gives up 2 hits and fans 9. Oh yeah, he pitched until the 8th inning. The offense doesn't help. Guess what happens as a result? Another 1 run loss. I hate this, and frankly, I'm not going to write until they win. They don't deserve to be written about.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I guess we'll be seeing a new blog shortly, haha! 8-1 Braves.