About Me

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I am Luke Goddard, the son of Bruce and Kathy Goddard. My father is in the funeral home business and has published a book, entitled "View From a Hearse: Lighten Up." You can read him at www.viewfromahearse.blogspot.com. With this site, I plan on enjoying my passion one blog at a time. Ever since I was a child, I've been obsessed with the Atlanta Braves. As a kid, I would put on shows for my parents and their friends by impersonating each of the Braves' batting stance with a broom stick. My parents seemed to enjoy it. Plus, it was a way for me to get inside the mind of a Brave and be them for a moment. Now, as I've grown older, I still find myself totally absorbed in the game, especially the Braves ball club. I even find myself at times impersonating their stances with a broom stick as I watch their games. Call me a Braves nut... that's fine. It's an honor. I hope you enjoy the stories you read here. Go Braves.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Making My Dream Come True

Let me write out here what you are going to think before you think it:

"Luke, another website to keep up with? You're killin' me."
Let me explain myself.

It would be a dream come true for me to work for a newspaper/magazine/website one day as a sports beat writer. Realistically, my English degree from Macon State College will (hopefully) land me an ordinary job that will pay the bills- nothing fancy. So, this is why I say being a sports beat writer would be a "dream come true." Needless to say, I'm not expecting it. Plus, Mark Bowman (sports beat writer for http://www.braves.com/) seems to have established himself well there.

In my 22 plus years of being around, I've wanted to be a great variety of things. We all say it- "When I grow up, I want to be a _______." Let's see here... I've wanted to be a rock star, a movie star, a preacher, a comedian... the list can go on and on. Heck, I'll admit that I've even wanted to be a doctor. As I've grown a little older, my dreams began to evolve into something a little more realistic. For instance, those of you who keep up with me know that I've changed my course of study in college about a thousand times in the past four years. The many dreams I had as a kid slowly faded away when I entered college back in 2004 and soon after I began to wonder to myself, "Luke, really, what the heck are you gonna end up doing?"

I can finally give you curious ones (which I'm sure are slim to none) a concrete answer. I will graduate in the Spring of 2009 with a B.A. in English at Macon State College. Now, I can assure you that I won't take Mark Bowman's job with the Atlanta Braves, but it sure would be a dream come true.

So, to begin practicing for my "dream" job, I plan to cover your own Atlanta Braves. Now, even though I'm not a professional sports beat writer, I can assure you that my facts will be accurate and the stories will be entertaining, whether you are a Braves fan or not. So please stop by for all of your Atlanta Braves news. I can't promise that I will daily write as a real, hired beat writer would, but I will write as much I can. Mind you, I do need to work on graduating.


(In all seriousness, your future thoughts and/or responses to my stories will be much appreciated.)
Check back soon, Braves fans!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is rich!!! I like your take on the Braves and your writing is very entertaining. Keep writing. You never know who might read your blog. Your dream just might come true.